Image bloated with junk data

Can someone explain what's going on here?
Well, I mean I know what's going on here - there's 13MB of junk XMP metadata in a 16MB image... but does it need to be there?

Is there a tag for crap like this? Or can we maybe replace the image altogether?

Striping out all junk of the sort is easy with exiftool, and can even be batched. There's also a photoshop script floating around, and that can be automated too (along with recompressing while you're at it, at least for lossless images formats). The set linked above has 3 images alone.

There's so much shit, even photoshop says "metadata too large to display".

Let's hope there aren't any random .png vulnerabilities floating around. :D
iirc, that was some way to annoy people sharing images. instead it only annoyed social media sites to the point they stripped out exif data by default. there are new versions of this targeting ai image creation turning 5mb images into 50mb with noise.

i guess having such a function running here to strip exif could make sense.